Sickle Cell Disease Survivor Pays It Forward

17-year-old Hanif Mouehla, who was born with Sickle Cell Disease, got a second chance at life with the help of Mitchell Cairo, MD, who is seeking a cure for the disease at Westchester Medical Center. After nearly dying at age 8, Hanif is cured thanks to a transplant of cells from his mom, and Dr. Hanif’s care. Hanif is now working as a research assistant at Westchester Medical Center under the guidance of Dr. Cairo and will attend Harvard in the fall where he will be a premed major.  See their amazing story »

Subaru White Plains Donates $106,841 to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital

Subaru White Plains has generously donated $106,841 to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital as part of Subaru of America, Inc.‘s SharetheLove event. This donation will help Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, a member of WMCHealth, provide life-changing treatments, world-class facilities, and innovative programs that make a real difference in the lives of our young patients.

Sean Coughlin, President and CEO The Premier Collection, said that this is the fifth year that the Subaru campaign has supported the hospital. “It is an honor and a privilege to be able to do business and Westchester County and it is our requirement to in our minds to give back and we are very, very pleased to do that again this year,’’ he said. View the video here.

Interested in partnering with Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital to support the vital services to local children and their families? Learn more here:

Wendy’s Story: New Parkinson’s Treatment at MidHudson Hospital Gives Patient More Freedom

Wendy McCarthy of Millbrook has her life back thanks to a new treatment for Parkinson’s disease that is giving her more personal freedom.

When Wendy, 67, received her diagnosis seven years ago, her doctors prescribed medications to control her symptoms. As the disease progressed, she required larger doses. Due to an unfortunate side effect of the medication, Wendy began experiencing involuntary movement, which made everyday tasks difficult and hindered her ability to travel, something she really enjoys.

Wendy’s care team at MidHudson Regional Hospital recognized she would be a great candidate for deep brain stimulation — surgically implanting electrodes in regions of the brain affected by Parkinson’s. Wendy was the first patient at Westchester Medical Center to have this procedure, which has greatly reduced her symptoms.

“The care I receive at Westchester Medical Center and MidHudson Regional Hospital is phenomenal. The staff at both hospitals work as a team and they have all my information in the system, which makes visits a lot easier. And the best part is I don’t have to go all the way to New York City.”

This treatment has allowed Wendy to continue to travel the world, with plans to visit her family in Greece this spring.

Please give to MidHudson Regional Hospital today!

More inspirational stories from MidHudson Regional Hospital:

Donna’s Story: Heart Surgery Results in Happy Ending for Aspiring Actress

Donna James had just retired from her job as an editorial assistant at New York Medical College. After 35 years working at the college, she was looking forward to concentrating on her first love: Acting.

She was looking forward to pursuing her acting career when she noticed she wasn’t feeling quite herself. Donna went for a checkup with her primary physician, who diagnosed her with a rare tumor of the adrenal gland. Donna was referred to a cardiologist at Westchester Medical Center who closely monitored her blood pressure medication so she could safely undergo the removal of the tumor.

Today, Donna, who lives in Ossining, now enjoys the active retirement she dreamed of and thanks her doctors at Westchester Medical Center for giving her a new lease on life.

“I feel really blessed that they caught this,” she says. “Thanks to the care and attention I received, I’m now busy pursuing my dream via community theater. Hollywood here I come!”

In addition to acting, Donna is giving back to Westchester Medical Center Heart and Vascular Institute. She was recently featured as a model at our Girls’ Night Out event, raising funds and awareness for women’s heart health.

Please give to Westchester Medical Center today!

More inspirational stories from Westchester Medical Center:

Tom’s Story: Margaretville Resident Makes Recovery from Serious Fall Thanks to Local Care

Thomas Maulik, 79, is grateful for the high-quality, patient-centered care he received at Margaretville Hospital after a bad fall in November of 2022.

After attending his great granddaughter’s birthday party, Tom, a lifelong Margaretville resident, came down with a mild illness. He and Christine, his wife of 53 years, thought nothing of it until Tom fell in his home one evening. Too weak to stand, he was taken by ambulance to Margaretville Hospital, a member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network.

Over the next two and a half months, Tom underwent rehabilitation at the hospital, relearning how to stand and walk thanks to his twice-a-day rehab sessions and the dedicated nurses and support staff who encouraged his recovery. Christine also provided lots of TLC. Since the hospital is in their community, she could visit Tom every day.

“They gave my husband his life back,” says Christine. “We weren’t sure Tom would ever be home again, but thanks to the excellent care he received, we’re back there together, laughing all the time.”

More inspirational stories from Margaretville Hospital:

Lana’s Story: Care Close to Home Gives Kingston Resident Piece of Mind

Lana Kaminskaya of Kingston is grateful that she can receive treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer close to home.

Lana, 75, discovered a lump in her breast during a routine self-exam in October of 2022. When further tests confirmed that it was cancer, her doctors immediately began chemotherapy treatment at the Infusion Center at HealthAlliance Hospital. Since then, Lana’s tumor has shrunk. Her doctors continue to monitor her progress.

Lana is so grateful she receives care just minutes from her front door. “People told me I need to get treatment in New York City and I said no. Without family support, without your own bed, you can’t heal,” she says. She is also thankful for the hospital’s Oncology Support Program, which has connected her with various local resources and help groups. Lana says, “My doctors and nurses are amazing, and so is the community’s support. It really matters when so many people are behind you.”

Please give to HealthAlliance Hospital today!

More inspirational stories from HealthAlliance Hospital: