Jack’s Story: Margaretville Hospital Diagnosis and Transport to Trauma Center Saves Local Restaurateur  

In an instant, unexpected health emergencies can happen and when they do, every minute counts. Just ask Jack Zamor. A local restaurateur and 16-year resident of Arkville, Jack juggled busy days and appreciated quiet nights. But one September evening in 2020 was far from quiet. Jack had severe abdominal pain and it would not pass. “It was agony and no matter what I did, there was no relief. Convinced my appendix would burst, I reluctantly texted a friend for help,”  he explained.

Jack soon arrived at the Margaretville Hospital Emergency Department where a CT scan revealed a diagnosis much more urgent than appendicitis. Jack was suffering from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. A rupture would likely be fatal. Arrangements were made for immediate air transport to a trauma center.

“Quick diagnosis and decision making saved my life,” recalls Jack. “I remember wheeling from the hospital onto the ambulance. We then traveled to a field behind the supermarket, which was lit by headlights, to an awaiting medevac helicopter. It took a few minutes, but it seemed like forever.”

Today, Jack is fully recovered and remains extraordinarily grateful for the Margaretville Hospital clinical team – and for life-saving access to trauma-level air transport.

Your support continues to make a difference throughout our community for patients like Jack. Together, we can continue raising the bar because we recognize that health challenges come without warning and for so many patients like Jack, minutes matter. 

More inspirational stories from Margaretville Hospital:

The Coxes’ Story: Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital Helps Couple Manage Son’s Epilepsy

Adam and Ali Cox are grateful for the expertise of doctors in the Pediatric Neurology department at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, a member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network. Doctors at the hospital diagnosed their son Christopher with epilepsy and helped the family to manage this serious condition.

Christopher had his first seizure at age one, but others followed and got progressively worse until Drs. Philip Overby and Steven Wolf stepped in. After Christopher’s first seizure, doctors prepared the Coxes by giving them the training and strategies they needed to help Christopher if, and when, a second seizure came. Through vigilance, medication and education, 4-year-old Christopher’s epilepsy is under control. The Coxes are now dedicated to helping educate families like themselves- parents of the more than 470,000 children under the age of 14 in the United States who have Epilepsy.

“To the Pediatric Neurology Department at Maria Fareri – THANK YOU!! You never know when someone may need your help. Children with Epilepsy are some of the most vulnerable, and how wonderful it is to know, especially as a parent of a child with Epilepsy, that there are people who are ready, willing, and able to help. If you are in a position to provide a donation, I could not think of a better cause,” said Adam Cox.

Please give to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital today!

More inspirational stories from Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital:

Katherine’s Story: WMC Helps Woman Who Suffers Life-Threatening Aneurysm While in Greece

Katherine Tsetsekos is grateful for the miracle that returned her to her work and family after being so close to death.

While traveling in Greece, Katherine suffered a life-threatening aneurysm that put her in a coma. Her doctor Chirag Ghandi, MD, said that 50 percent of people who suffer and aneurysm like this one never make it to the hospital and a quarter of those never return to normal. Katherine was one of the lucky ones. Doctors at Westchester Medical Center communicated with doctors abroad, overseeing Katherine’s care until she could be flown home to Westchester Medical Center by air ambulance where she underwent multiple surgeries. With physical rehabilitation and the loving care of her two daughters, Katherine has returned to work and is picking up where she left off in her life.

“I was very fortunate, as we all are to have a hospital where miracles like this can happen.’’

Please give to Westchester Medical Center today!

More inspirational stories from Westchester Medical Center:

Andrew’s Story: College Student Gets Back on Track with Therapy at MidHudson Behavioral Center

Andrew is grateful for the treatment he receives from the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence at MidHudson Regional Hospital. As a new college student at a nearby school, Andrew felt lost. He found himself sinking deeper and deeper and didn’t know where to turn. His sessions with Marshal Sheldon, a mental health therapist at MidHudson Regional Hospital helped him to put things in perspective and refocus his priorities. Working with Marshall, Andrew gained insight and skills to cope with depression and anxiety.

“I found it really hard to find my place. So, I ended up spending a lot of time on wrong priorities when I should have been focusing on doing well in my classes,” he said. “I ended up isolating and making it so much worse by cutting myself off from everybody.  Until I started talking to Marshall, I never really made an actual connection with someone. I feel like I can talk to him on more personal level.’’

Please give to MidHudson Regional Hospital today!

More inspirational stories from MidHudson Regional Hospital:

Amanda’s Story: Cancer Care Close to Home Provides Support for Young Mother

Amanda Batista is grateful for the care she received at HealthAlliance Hospital’s Infusion Center after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Shortly after giving birth to her first daughter in March of 2020, Amanda Batista noticed a lump in her breast. At first she thought it was related to breast feeding until she got the diagnosis. Despite the fact that she was knowledgeable about cancer, she said she was still terrified.

“That’s why it was so important to have a place like HealthAlliance Hospital. A place close to home where you can receive the support you need. That is invaluable. I remember my first day of chemo. I wondered whether I would live to see my daughter turn 1, but after my first time at the Infusion Center, I felt like they got me. They were so thoughtful and caring. I’ll never be able to express how grateful I am,’’ said Amanda.

Amanda is now cancer free and enjoying her role as a new mother.

“Without HealthAlliance Hospital and the Oncology Support Group, I don’t know how I would have made it. It allowed me to continue working full-time. If I had to travel for care, not to mention taking care of a baby, it would have been impossible. Having this infusion center so close to home, was such a blessing,” she said.

Please give to HealthAlliance Hospital today!

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